Few elective offices are more rewarding than being a member of a board of education in Ohio. The ability to shape young minds, to assist under privileged children and to help chart the course of youngsters’ future are all part of it.
As a board of education member, you’ll be on stage when high school seniors receive their diplomas. You’ll attend awards ceremonies throughout the school year honoring students, teachers, student-athletes and parents. You’ll help set the agenda for your school district, everything from property taxes and budgets to personnel matters and curriculum.
And you’ll interact with people at the most grass-roots level. Nothing is more important to parents – and voters – than their children’s education. You’ll be there, at the center of it all, seeing parents swell with pride at their children’s achievements, helping parents fulfill their dreams for their children.
You’ll be the epitome of a public servant, assisting people from all walks of life prepare their children for tomorrow’s challenges. You’ll rub shoulders with your community’s leaders – school superintendents; business men and women; other elected officials and labor leaders.
In addition, the school board is a great training ground for anyone who wants to run for higher office. Many of our most successful elected officials began their political careers on a board of education. Often that was the first position they were elected to.
Talk about fulfilling work!
But in order to serve, you must first get elected. And that’s where PAR Associates of Ohio can help. We will teach you the nuts and bolts of getting elected – how to qualify for the ballot, how to plan a campaign, how to assemble a campaign team, how to raise money for a campaign, how to interpret voting patterns and all the other tasks needed to get elected to a school board.
Don’t get us wrong. Running for a local board of education is hard work. For starters, you need to be qualified. In Ohio, a candidate for board of education has to be at least 18 years old, be registered to vote, and be a resident of the school district for at least 30 days.
But our experts will de-mystify the process for you. Through weekly training sessions and hands-on instruction, we’ll teach you – step by step – the techniques that the insiders use, the tricks of the trade. Our team at PAR Associates of Ohio has helped scores of people get elected. And we can do the same for you.
Let PAR Associates of Ohio help you succeed for school board.